
Namespace: FVIL
Assembly: FVILbasic (in FVILbasic.dll) Version: (


public virtual List<PNT_T> ToList()
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Function ToList As List(Of PNT_T)

Return Value

Type: List<(Of <(<'PNT_T>)>)>


C# Copy imageCopy
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using fvalgcli;

namespace User.SampleCode.Array
    public partial class PNT_T_ARRAY
        /// <summary>
        /// 可変長リストへの変換.
        /// </summary>
        public void ToList()
            int countOrg = 10;

            // 0) 配列の作成.
            fvalgcli.PNT_T[] datas = new fvalgcli.PNT_T[countOrg];
            for (int i = 0; i < countOrg; i++)
                datas[i].x = i * 10 + i;
                datas[i].y = i * 10 + i;

            // 1) インスタンスの準備と生成.
            FVIL.PNT_T_ARRAY src1 = new FVIL.PNT_T_ARRAY(datas);

            fvalgcli.PNT_T_PTR srcAddress = src1.Address;
            int srcCount = src1.Count;
            bool srcIsAttach = src1.IsAttach;

            // 2) 可変長リストへの変換.
            List<fvalgcli.PNT_T> src2 = src1.ToList();

            // E) 確認
            Assert.IsTrue(src2.Count == srcCount, "src2.Count = {0}", src2.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < src2.Count; i++)
                Assert.IsTrue( datas[i].x == src2[i].x
                            && datas[i].y == src2[i].y,
                            "src2[{0}]: x={1},y={2})", i, src2[i].x, src2[i].y);

                Console.WriteLine("src2[{0}]: x={1},y={2})", i, src2[i].x, src2[i].y);

Visual Basic Copy imageCopy
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports fvalgcli

Namespace SampleCode.Array
    Public Partial Class PNT_T_ARRAY
        ''' <summary>
        ''' 可変長リストへの変換.
        ''' </summary>
        <FvPluginExecute> _
        Public Sub ToList()
            Dim countOrg As Integer = 10

            ' 0) 配列の作成.
            Dim datas As fvalgcli.PNT_T() = New fvalgcli.PNT_T(countOrg - 1) {}
            For i As Integer = 0 To countOrg - 1
                datas(i).x = i * 10 + i
                datas(i).y = i * 10 + i

            ' 1) インスタンスの準備と生成.
            Dim src1 As New FVIL.PNT_T_ARRAY(datas)

            Dim srcAddress As fvalgcli.PNT_T_PTR = src1.Address
            Dim srcCount As Integer = src1.Count
            Dim srcIsAttach As Boolean = src1.IsAttach

            ' 2) 可変長リストへの変換.
            Dim src2 As List(Of fvalgcli.PNT_T) = src1.ToList()

            ' E) 確認
            Assert.IsTrue(src2.Count = srcCount, "src2.Count = {0}", src2.Count)

            For i As Integer = 0 To src2.Count - 1
                Assert.IsTrue(datas(i).x = src2(i).x AndAlso datas(i).y = src2(i).y, "src2[{0}]: x={1},y={2})", i, src2(i).x, src2(i).y)

                Console.WriteLine("src2[{0}]: x={1},y={2})", i, src2(i).x, src2(i).y)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

See Also